Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness,
and EEG Coherence in Meditating Students
Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal
Used by law firms and the
CIA for job evaluations
Goodson Watson, PhD and
Edward Glaser, PhD
Columbia University Teachers College
Adult Dogmatism Scale
Mindedness vs. Open Mindedness
Dr. Milton Rokeach (PhD, Psychology, UCal Berkeley)
Professor at Michigan State University
Wrote book about 3 men who believed they were Jesus Christ
made into a movie. Dr. Rokeach was played by
Editor of the Collected Articles On Nine Eleven (CAONE)
22 papers published in independent, peer-reviewed journals
questioning the official Bush Story of 9/11 (BS911)
Richard Gage presented the CAONE to Professor Noam Chomsky PhD at MIT
Developer of the Official Government Story Acceptance Scale (OGSAS)
Index =
How to set up your
Google Scholar Profile
TM helped me do well on my SATs, get into Colgate University, and qualify for Mensa.
TM and GID study (in progress)
TM also improved my mind-body |
This study found that during the
Transcendental Meditation program some of the early sensory components of
the brain's response to somatosensory stimulation (0–100 msec) are more
widely distributed across the cortex. This study, by Dr. Nicolai Nicolaevich
Lyubimov, Director of the Moscow Brain Research Institute's Laboratory of
Neurocybernetics, indicates that during the Transcendental Meditation
program there is an increase in the areas of the cortex taking part in
perception of specific information and an increase in the functional
relationship between the two hemispheres.
References: |
Students at Maharishi
International University in Fairfield, Iowa, who regularly practiced
Transcendental Meditation, increased significantly in intelligence over a
2-year period, compared to control subjects from another Iowa university.
This finding corroborates the results of two other studies showing increased
IQ in Maharishi International University students.
Reference I: Transcendental Meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study, Personality and Individual Differences 12: 1105-1116, 1991. Reference II: Longitudinal effects of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program on cognitive ability and cognitive style, Perceptual and Motor Skills 62: 731738, 1986.
After one year of practice of the Transcendental Meditation program, elementary school students showed significant gains on the lowa Tests of Basic Skills, a nationally standardized test (ref. 1). A second study showed significant gains in high school students (grades 9–12) on the lowa Tests of Educational Development (ref. 2). A third study (ref. 3) found that the length of time students had been practicing the Transcendental Meditation program was significantly correlated with academic achievement, independent of student IQ scores.
References: more at |
Areas of Interest and Research
Applicant for |
Critical Thinking
Ability, Open-Mindedness,
EEG Coherence, developing Government
Account Survey test instrument or Digital Currency Curriculum - in light of Vedic Science |
Total Knowledge Course |
![]() taught by Raja Peter Warburton. | | Center for Advanced Military Science - applying the TM technique to national invincible defense. |
Digital Currency and SCI | The principles of digital
currency, such as Bitcoin, in the light of the Science of Creative
Intelligence Proposal to Raja Raam to re-enliven the Raam as Proposal to M.U.M. to accept Bitcoin and offer courses in Digital Currency as the University of Cumbria (UK), University of Nicosia (Cyprus), and Kings College (New York City) do. Rick is currently working on a Master of Science in Digital Currency from the University of Nicosia |
Scientists for 9/11 Truth | Member of Scientists For 911 Truth, founded by John Wyndham, Ph.D. (Physics, Cambridge University), a society including 17 PhDs in Physics and PhDs in other hard sciences. |
9/11 Experiments & Scientists | Experiments related to the events of September 11, 2001 Collected Articles on 9/11 - peer reviewed, independent scientific journal articles |
9/11 Experiments You Can Do | Home experiments you can do
yourself, even at home,
to test the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) of the Bush-Cheney Administration, CIT assistance |
911Theories | Various theories of how 9/11 was perpetrated including my Remote Control Take Over (RCTO) theory. |
911Marines | List of U.S. Marines who question the OCT |
911Mensa | List of Mensa members who question the OCT |
AE911Truth | Volunteer for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Writing Team | | Association of Nine Eleven Truth Activists - if you are not an architect, engineer, pilot, or firefighter, you can join this | | Debate with Chris Mohr about 9/11 along with John-Michael Talboo, Adam Taylor, and Chris Sarns of AE911Truth | | Investigations into Bill and Hillary Clinton | | Updating the requirements for the Boy Scouts Computer Merit Badge (Eagle Scout) |
Cosmic Computer Consciousness | Theory: Our brains may be like wireless laptops connecting to a common "internet" of knowledge |
Critical | Member of the Foundation for Critical Thinking. How to improve it in students. run by Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder |
EnlightenedSentencing | Teaching prisoners and probationers to learn to meditate to get off drugs and rehabilitate. St. Louis Judge David Mason | | Fairfield Iowa Nine Eleven Truth Activists - use their activities as a model for organizing a group in your area | | Life accomplishments and
suspicious assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. Working with author Robert Stone and Dr. James Fetzer and Sean Stone (son of Oliver) on a script for LBJ: The Sequel to JFK | | Increasing student enrollment at Maharishi School through educations about the 436 partner asana gymnastics positions | | Fund raiser for Mark Basile to take WTC dust to an independent chemistry lab for analysis | | Inspiration for an American Moon base by the year 2020, on the basis of truth about the 1969-72 Apollo missions. | | Background of Barack Obama and Sheriff Arpaio's investigation of his identity documentation | | Evidence that the Sandy Hoax shooting of 2004 was staged | | Sherlock Holmes Appreciation Society of London England - I read all 60 of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about him. | | Sherlock Holmes practices some sort of meditation similar to TM to increase in Critical Thinking Ability | | Member of the Skeptic Society, run by Dr. Michael Shermer | | TM turned me from a C student and mediocre high school athlete into an A student, county tumbling champion, Eagle Scout, and raised my IQ qualifying me for Mensa membership |
TM research | Scientific research studies on the TM technique for relaxation, stress release, and enlightenment | | Truth and Justice related causes, from Enlightened Sentencing to 9/11 | | Is Sthapatya Veda science or sthuperstition? 20+ years and not a single published study on it. | | Bought the domain name from
Notre Dame University in 1999 for $600 to use for education about MIU.![]() | | David Griscom PhD, his resume, publications, and his theory about 9/11 | | Niels Harrit, PhD, his resume, publications, and study published in Bentham Journal | | Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge in Iowa, largest group meditation, twice a day | | List of utopias, such as Vedic City - the Shangri-La in Iowa | | Oprah Winfrey's visit to Fairfield, teaching her employees to meditate | | Genetically modified foods awareness | | Lawyers for 9/11 Truth |
Internet / Radio Interview Show and Host |
![]() |
![]() Kevin Barrett, PhD, University of Wisconsin American Freedom Radio No Lies Radio Show ![]() - 2014 Physics 9/11 Debate |
![]() Frank of JREF was supposed to debate Rick of ANETA but declined in the last hours, so Rick discussed 9/11, Bitcoin, and TM |
![]() Rick talks about the debate, Pi, and Dr. Niels Harrit's court victory 9/11 Debate 2015 |
Dr. Crockett Grabbe (PhD, Physics, Cal Tech) 9/11 Debate 2016 9/11 Debate 2019 |
![]() The Real Deal:
Interview done on
11/28/2012. Discussion of Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness, Consciousness, 9/11, JFK,
and TM
Top Ten Trips to Truthers talking to Trump about 9/11
Bitcoin and Digital Currency for World Peace
Meeting at JFK Conference, The Big
Bitcoin and Digital Currency Follow Up 2
10th Annual 9/11 Scientists
Debate |
![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() with host James Moore 11/22/2014 - JFK and LBJ 9/11/2014 - September 11th 7/7/2015 - London 7/7 bombings 07/20/2015 - Moon "Landing" 11/24/2015 - Sandy Hook hoax |
![]() 9/11 Free Fall Show Andrew Steele |
![]() 9/11 Conference in Washington DC
at Sheraton Pentagon Discussion of Mark Basile independent lab study of WTC dust |
![]() Craig Ranke / CIT |
![]() Debate: Craig says plane flew over. Rick says bursting plane hit the Pentagon |
KMCD Radio 96 Fairfield, Iowa Host: Lee Muntz Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency Helping local merchants and customers learn to use Bitcoin and digital currency.
![]() |
JaneKingUbiqwifi |
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JaneRichardRick |
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JaneRichardRick2 |
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When 9/11 is used as a pretext for drone warfare AE911Truth speaks out - Drone Summit Conference in Washington DC
Who are these 2000 architects and engineers - Civil Engineers, PhDs, graduates from Harvard, Yale, Cal Tech, etc.
Dr. David Griscom wins 9/11 Physics Debate in 2014 - No physicist was willing to defend the official government story
InfoWars / Alex Jones -
Examiner -
* Allegory of the Cubicles - based on Plato's Allegory of the Cave
![]() |
* Remote Control Take Over Theory - how 9/11 could have been perpetrated using Boeing's patented RCTO technology.
* Pre-Impact Explosion
Theory - explains the smaller than expected hole in the wall, and small
scattered debris at the Pentagon
Unified Pentagon Field Theory
* Foundation for Critical Thinking -
* Skeptics Society -
* Mensa Educational Research Foundation -
* International Skeptics Forum - (formerly the James Randi Educational
Foundation forum)
* Fairfield Iowa Chamber of Commerce -
ManOnTheMoon - did humans really land, or were the rocks brought back by remote control? - how to easily remember the 16 Principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence
Sandy Hoax is Conning Newtown - to the tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Trial When the Whites Went Out in Georgia - Ahmaud Arbery case
YITM (Why I TM) - Transcendental Meditation
9/11 Fre Fall 9/12/2013: Rick Shaddock and Diana Castillo
Sponsor of 9/11 Physics Debate with Dr. David Griscom (PhD, Physics, Brown Univ.)
Sponsor of the Annual 9/11 Science DebatesDebate topic: Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 |
9/11 Physics Debate II
ANETA is still looking for any PhD in Physics with a Hirsch Index >= 40
It takes qualified physicists to properly evaluate a debate on physics, so
The debate will be broadcast on Dr. Kevin Barrett's show. |
![]() ![]() Dr. Denis Rancourt Ph.D. and Professor in Physics University of Ottawa (Canada) Hirsch Index = 39 citations...1ChsRsQAAAAJ |
![]() ![]() Dr. Josh Mitteldorf Ph.D. in AstroPhysics University of Pennsylvania (Ivy League) Hirsch Index = 17 citations...NQjA8gIAAAAJ&
9/11 Debate between two Washington DC |
![]() U.S. Navy |
![]() NASA |
![]() NSA |
![]() Congressmen and Senators |
![]() Press Conference in Iowa with Donald Trump Asking him for a new 9/11 Investigation |
![]() Rick gives speech on behalf of Donald Trump at the Jefferson County vote meeting |
Enemies and terror only seem to exist on the surface level of
The war profiteers benefit when the population is afraid of enemies,
so they can be the suppliers of military solutions after events like 9/11.
In reality we are all One, in absolute friendship, at the deepest level of life.
Critical Thinking
Reddit Men's Studies
June Men's mental health